In Rust, variables are immutable by default. When a variable is immutable, once a value is bound to a name, you can’t change that value. You can make them mutable by adding mut in front of the variable name.
This is the first topic of the rustlings. And there is nothing really special about it. Exercises are just checking whether you are familiar with the basic syntaxes of the Rust. If you find any of the exercises a bit confusing, please re-read The Book and/or Rust By Example.
I always hated the sudden glitch of the sidebar at the very beginning of the web page loading. Yes, it only happens on the very first page of my blog, yet it really bugs me. They even have a name for it. FOUC. Stands for flash of unstyled content. Let’s ease the symptom for the sidebar at least a little.
From time to time, we want to align the image center within the Jekyll post. But applying CSS style directly into the markdown file with HTML tag is cumbersome and not pretty. And I’m not the only one searching for the way! In this article, I’ll guide you through an easy solution to center an image within Jekyll’s blog post.